Friday Roundup #21: Compost and Frugality



If you’re interested in gardening, check out my guest post at Life on the Balcony called Composting on the Balcony: The Easy Way to Environmental Virtue, also featured in the Festival of Frugality at Negotiation Board.

You might remember Fern as the author of a guest post  Grow a Kitchen Herb Garden to Save Money.

Here at Cooking Manager, we’ve had Oatmeal for Breakfast, Spanish Rice with Variations, Sourdough Pancakes and Creative Pie Crusts.

My post on my mother’s Extreme Frugality received a record number of comments. I appreciate your feedback.

Chanukah is nearly over and I’ll be happy not to see too many potatoes for a while. I took the picture above on one of our family trips. I brought home some of the sage and put in in our Friday night rice.

Do you have a friend interested in healthy and efficient home cooking? Send them an email about CookingManager.Com, or invite them to join our Facebook page.