How to Cook for a Family with a New Baby

A friend of mine gave birth recently, and a few families in the community made meals for her. While it’s possible to order out nowadays, home-cooked meals are often tastier and more nutritious. Providing meals shows the family that they are cared for, and it’s a wonderful way to welcome the baby to the neighborhood. I’ll never forget the friend that called me up every week. starting in my last month of a difficult pregnancy, asking what she could cook for Sabbath dinner.

Here are some tips for making meals for families who have just given birth.

Tips for Moms, Barbecuing and Friday Roundup #31

Thanks to Melodie at Breastfeeding Moms Unite for posting Ten Essential Kitchen Tools for Breastfeeding Moms. I hope that all busy moms will find them helpful.  On Cooking Manager, I have a series on Feeding Babies Frugally. Last week I was looking for frugal grilling tips. Penny stepped into the ring and wrote this excellent […]

Feeding Babies Frugally, Part I: The Early Months

This is the first in a four-part series. Part II: Starting Solids: When and Why, Part III: Starting Solids the Easy Way and Part IV: Making Your Own “Convenience Foods” for Babies will appear later. Sign up by email or RSS Reader to get future posts.

Note: Why discuss breastfeeding on a blog about cooking efficiently? You can’t make breastmilk in the kitchen and I am not going to give recipes for making formula. But if I am discussing easy and inexpensive ways to feed babies I need to start at the beginning. Tips on formula appear at the end.