Vegan Response to Dangers of a Vegan Diet

Vegan blogger Rena Reich was surprised when I asked her for an interview, because I had just written about the bad experiences of well-known vegan blogger Tasha. Her interview will appear on Monday, but in the meantime she responded to my post, Dangers of a Vegan Diet. I feel very badly for Tasha. I can […]

Putting Food in Perspective: Strategies to Prevent Food Issues

Obesity is growing at epidemic rates, along with anorexia and other eating disorders. My mother used a variety of strategies that I believe helped her children develop a healthy attitude toward food. I can’t say that I have no food issues, and genetics play an important role, but I still think her approach served us well.

My mother:

  1. Served appropriate servings on individual plates. Click to read my analysis of the advantages of this approach.
  2. Served a healthy, varied, and fresh dinner for the family every day at the same time.

Save Money by Eating Less Meat and More Vegetable Protein

Animal proteins, including eggs, dairy products, meat, fish and poultry, are usually the most expensive part of our food budgets.

Sometimes people think that in order to eat less meat, they need to become vegetarian or make vegetarian meals more often. This is one approach. But you can still choose to include small amounts of meat or other animal protein in most meals. What counts is how much you eat over the course of an average day.