Friday Roundup #23: New Year Edition

Happy New Year
Image by slimmer_jimmer via Flickr

My post, Ten Tips to Save Water, Money and Energy with Your Dishwasher was featured in the Festival of Frugality #210, Learning from the Frugal Masters of the Decade at Foreigner’s Finances. Who would expect Bill Gates to appear on a list of frugal masters?

On Monday I posted Cooking with My Mother, Cooking with My Children. We’re still talking about it on Facebook.

On Tuesday I interviewed reader Tikva Sasson, who shared her homemade borekas recipe. Burekas are a popular bakery item here and it’s great to find a healthier version.  I have two more interviews lined up for the coming weeks.

On Wednesday I posted a recipe for Vegetable-Barley Soup.

Dear readers, I’m looking forward to sharing and learning more recipes, tips, challenges, questions and thoughts on cooking in 2010.  Happy New Year!


  1. I am so happy that I discovered this site. I am enjoying it very much–the tips, recipes, etc. May this new year be a productive and prosperous one for you! I’m looking forward to future posts.