10 Super Ways to Use Spinach

How to Cook Spinach in the Microwave is one of the most popular posts on Cooking Manager. Preparing spinach in the microwave is quick and mess-free, and nearly foolproof. After cooking fresh spinach, whether in a microwave, pot, or pressure cooker, you can use it in a variety of recipes. I usually chop some, and […]

How to Cook Fresh Spinach in the Microwave

Looking for spinach recipes? Try 10 Super Ways to Use Spinach I love to write about the vegetables everyone hates. I’ve been getting my latest favorite, spinach, nearly every week. Spinach has a reputation for being very healthy, and contains large amounts of iron and calcium. Unfortunately, spinach also contains oxalate, which prevents you from absorbing […]

Spinach Lasagne with White Sauce

Wednesday is recipe day at Cooking Manager. Thanks to Dena Wimpfheimer for contributing this tasty-looking recipe for vegetarian lasagna. It contains no tomato sauce. Dena writes: “This recipe was given to me by one of my mother’s best friends, Esther Turkel, from New York. She used to make this on Chol Hamoed Sukkot every year […]