Wednesday is Recipe Day at Cooking Manager. Today’s recipe comes from Kosher by Design for Teens and 20-Somethings, by Suzie Fishbein. Go here for more information and to win a free copy: Deadline October 31, 2010. Ingredients: 4 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons baking powder 1 teaspoon fine sea salt 11 tablespoons […]
The First Cake Mix in America
In a recent visit to the Smithsonian Museum of American History, I saw a small exhibit about the first cake mix in America. Charlotte Cramer Sachs developed boxed mixed for cakes, puddings, frostings, breads, muffins and popovers starting in 1948. You only needed to add water.
Guest Recipe: Grandma Rose’s Hamantashen
Thanks to Norma for sending in this recipe. Purim, the Jewish holiday celebrated this Saturday evening through evening. Hamantashen are meant to remind us of the three-cornered hat supposedly worn by Haman, the villain in the biblical book of Esther that will be read in the synagogue.
Hamantashen are made from any kind of rollable cookie dough. Cut the dough into circles, then fill and pinch into a triangle shape so the filling shows through on top.
This Hamentaschen recipe comes from Grandma Rose. The cookie is based on a classic sour cream cookie— light and airy. It’s one of the few Hamentaschen recipes where you actually enjoy eating the cookie that surrounds the filling! I sometimes make the cookie dough and leave the rounds plain.