How Does Your Washing Machine Work?

Hello again lovely readers. I know this is a cooking website, but I have a special place in my heart for appliances. My friend recently told me about her daughter’s joy at getting new school shirts, because the other children made fun of her over the state of her clothes. I assure you that no […]

Friday Review #36

It’s time for a review of posts you might have missed on Cooking Manager. Summer Cooking Healthy and Easy Summer Salads. Leora posted even more summer salad ideas. Some Like It Cold: Summer Soups Cool Summer Cooking Tips Prepare Vegetable Salads in Advance   Recipes: Beets Marinated with Ginger and Garlic Wilted Red Peppers with Garlic   […]

Cook Fresh or Freeze in Bulk?

Which is better—cooking each meal fresh, or cooking in bulk and freezing for future meals? Cooking in bulk is generally viewed as more efficient. However, there are important advantages to cooking fresh. Keep in mind that the options are not mutually exclusive. You can prepares some things in bulk, like rice, sauce or chicken stock, […]

Evaluating the True Cost of Foods

We all want to cut our grocery bill. Before we do, though, we need to realize how much the food really costs. The most obvious way is to look at your bill over the month or year, discounting the non-food items. But as we’ll see below, this method has its pitfalls as well. Cost doesn’t […]

Grocery Specials: Are They Really Worth It?

New reader Renee Wohl posted this on a local email list about saving money. A local chain was advertising 1+1 sales where you get two identical items for the price of one. Although there ARE sometimes good deals that can save you money at these 1 +1 and other sales, I’d like to remind all […]

Ten Quick Tips for Cutting Your Produce Bill

The extreme heat in my part of the world has led to high prices in the markets, especially for vegetables. Here are some tips to help you cut down on your produce bill no matter where you live: Buy vegetables in season. Instead of buying according to your recipe, choose your menu according to the […]

When Hosting, How Much Is Too Much?

In the comments on my guest post on hosting a crowd at Habitza, I recalled a party I hosted for a newly married couple I hardly knew. Afterward, one of the single men who had been invited complained that guys get hungry, and we should have served more than a quarter of a chicken per person. He would have liked a second piece.

I still remember that exchange because it put me on the defensive. Hosts are sensitive. Here I helped plan and pay for this huge party, and that guy (who also didn’t know the young couple in question) should have been grateful to be invited.

Make Pot Roast to Tenderize Cheaper Cuts of Beef

A recipe for tenderizing less expensive cuts on the meat by pot roasting it with vegetables, wine and tomato sauce.

Friday Roundup #25 and Preview

Image by grand grrl via Flickr It’s been a busy week here at Cooking Manager. Here’s a run-down of posts. Thank you for reading and commenting, both here and on the Facebook page. Sunday: Coupon Coup or Frugal Folly? A video about coupon-clipping gone overboard. Monday: From Tuna Surprise to Persian Chicken: Interview with Ariela. […]

Coupon Coup or Frugal Folly?

In this video a reporter follows a mother of six who uses coupons to cut her weekly food budget to one dollar.

The video shows her picking out three items:

  • Fish. She buys 7 packages of 1/4 pound each, using 7 coupons to take a dollar off of each package, bringing her total to zero.